Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Dream Away

Well, what can I do then, eh? This is now the usual me, unpredictable, unstable, always confused, always wonder, and is close to being so dumb. Yikes! My days were never the same since I left work and chose a laid-off life, unwaged and utterly useless. Must be my head revolting now like saying, "This is not you, Ayin! Get up you lazy fool!" But I really can’t do anything about that now, right? I have a great deal of reasons why I left and one of them is this: My Medical Condition. I have failing Potassium intake and was told to stop fooling myself that I could still get enough from working at night and sleeping in the day. Sleep in the morning isn’t good enough to cover the sleep you’re supposed to do at night, my doctor told me. So just rest on Ayin and take life easy now soon you’ll get better. Go ahead, indulge in that warm and balmy bed of yours let the stars to light your night and the wind from the wide open windows serenade you to sleep until the morning comes to let the daylight in.

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