Monday, July 7, 2008

Sweeney Todd Teaser by aynakowes

You might be surprised to see this post just now because as we all know that Sweeney Tood the movie was already shown on cinemas (and was even out on DVD's) already and why am I still calling it "teaser".
Well, for those people who do not have an idea about the movies' official website wherein viewers are allowed to create their own videos and publish them on the official website to be rated, here is your chance to know. I would have to say my credits to my SEO friends who had invited (and influenced) me to watch the movie, because if it weren't for them I wouldn't be able to create this such masterpiece. Charos!

Here it is you Mr.T fans. My own version of the Sweeney Todd Teaser. Enjoy!

Link: Sweeney Todd Teaser by aynakowes

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